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Teaching strategies: Curriculum in art

Curriculum as process The key curriculum that I hope would guide my classroom teaching and experience going forward as a teacher is curriculum as a process. I feel this is vital for my approach in teaching because I am an art teacher, and it really is all about the process. Process cannot happen without the input of the student, the creativity, and the learning process, letting the students explore, learn from the mistakes they make as this is all part of the process of learning art and learn from each other. When it comes to art, therefore there are certain aspects that need to be noted and identified and taken on board. When it comes to teaching art to students, the curriculum cannot be seen as just a product, the student’s individuality is key for their progression in art.

The interaction between myself as an instructor teaching, my student’s involvement and participation and taking into account what they have learned, then applying this in their own process, their own unique style and the techniques that they develop from this experimenting process, it also helps them deal with problem solving and there is direct learning from this process.

A very important thing for me to remember when teaching, is that it is also important that a student is developing their own individual style in art, even though they learn from each other, their work should still be unique in its own right. Students should have the freedom when creating their own work, as in how they want to create the object in their task, what type of medium would they like to use in order to make their creation, it also is important that they are allowed to pick their own object for observation drawing or painting in their artwork. By letting the students have their own interpretations from their observation and how they want to go about creating their individual artwork in the task.

The student choosing their colours, mediums to use is so very important, art should be seen how they want to see it and how they want to create it, it does not matter if the shape is not perfect or the object is not the colour it should be, it’s how the students interpret it and the process they use to create this and how it develops from their induvial input.

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