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  • Writer's picturelrafferty94

Reason why meditation is good for you well being.

I personally have found meditation very relaxing, just 10 minutes a day can transform your every day life for the better, it calming relaxing ang good for your mind, body and soul. If your having a stressful day, whether you have been super busy at college or suffering from exam stress or been super busy working, or just stressed from every day life meditation can really help your well being and set you back on track, personally I like to meditate in the evening, this helps me unwind and calm down before bed, I find it helps me sleep better and I feel more focused the next day and feel that it also prepares me for any challenges i might face, as in return i am more focused and my mind is clearer and sharper for decision making.

A deep state of relaxation and peace of mind can be achieved through meditation. During meditation, you focus on one thing at a time and clear your mind of the jumbled stream of thoughts that might be overwhelming you and making you feel stressed. Better mental and physical health might come from this procedure, promoting your well being.

Ten benefits of mediation that are supported by science include:

Reduction of Stress...

Management of anxiety...

Management of depression.

Reduces Blood Pressure

Improves Immune System Health.

Enhances Memory...

affects mood....

Makes one more aware of oneself.

Try this 10 minute online meditation video every day to promote your well being:

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