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  • Writer's picturelrafferty94

Making room for yoga at home or anywhere:

Creating a yoga space at home If you have a spare room you can use for yoga, that's great! It's certainly inviting to always have your yoga mat unrolled and out in the open.

However, when we want to practice, the majority of us need to be more adaptable and create a space. Try to find a place that is quiet and peaceful and has as much space as possible around you. Since the wall is an excellent prop, an empty section of wall can also be useful. Using an incense stick or candle to set the mood can be a nice touch and even beneficial.

Candles and incense are merely decorative items that are not required to practice yoga. Yoga can be done anywhere as long as there is enough room around you to avoid hitting things like tables and chairs.

or give it a shot outside and connect with nature, be at one with nature.

Therefore, no matter what, be imaginative and get on your mat! Make the best possible space and have fun with your practice.

Try this online yoga video for bigginers:

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