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Curriculum: process vs product in art:

Curriculum: Process versus Process. When it comes to art its also very important to remember the different types of art that can be achieves in an art classroom, I truly belief it is vital for a student to be able to explore the Process of art, making and exploring and experimenting art, their should not be limits set, as for all the students to achieve this ‘product’ type art piece, this is only setting limits for the students and is not helping them evolve with art, and would only set limits for enhancing their imagination, not letting them know the true meaning of art, all their work should be one of a kind , memorable, truly unique with the individual students style.

Lori Laye Thurber describes this very well in her YouTube video process vs product art in a preschool classroom, to an outsider it may seem that particular types of the students art is just a mess, but in her eyes their work is inspiring and extremely good, this particular art is described as process art, Laye Thurber then speaks about how she seen product art in a classroom, where every particular peace of art is the same, with no variations as their could be twenty pieces of artwork and it’s the exact same.

This in return is actually holding a student back, whereas there is no creativity involved something that is actually key for a student’s development. By setting this ‘product’ goal it does not help the students explore experiment, be creative everything that happens in the ‘process’ of art. By stepping back, let the students explore and experiment to see what they can achieve, they learn how to create artwork, they will learn from their mistakes, this process is vital for a student’s learning development in art.

I belief Laye Thurber explores the key points in the process of art, and explains the benefits of process vs product, as I truly belief the process in art is vital for students’ development in art, whereas when no limits are set, it therefore enhances their imagination and this is when art truly begins.

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