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Classroom management: Topic of effective teacher, Questioning & feedback in learning.

Questioning skills: Whilst questioning skills have proven to be a very important part of teaching in class. Questioning skills relate to a variate of different methods for questioning. When staring off with a new topic for my subjects in class, it would be more beneficial to engage more with students by introducing a selection of open and closed questions for them, these questions in particular would occasionally be addressed to the entire classroom, by doing so in return this gave students the chance to participate their contributions and also concentrating on particular students. The reason for these particular questions may be to discover the basic knowledge of the students, to invigorate and review, to development the comprehension, to promote the student’s imagination and to encourage solving problems on task. (Improving communications skills in student music teachers. Part two: Questiong skills, 2005) .

Effective questioning: When focusing on effective questioning techniques, there are certain aspects to keep in mind. What way should the question be presented by the teacher, The entire class ought to be encouraged by effective questioning strategies and this should not include an attempt to deceive a student. Whilst it should also give the chance to receive constructive criticism, which would indicate their learning success. After stating relevant, allow a specific wait time opportunity, this in return allows students to figure out the answer. When there is sufficient time to think given, then nominate a student to answer, only address the student after the question is asked otherwise you would not get the direct attention from the entire class. A simple way to remember this is to “Pose-Pause-Pounce-Bounce”. (Petty, 2009).

Effective and Quality feedback: Feedback can be a powerful tool in teaching, furthermore it can be exceptionally persuasive in learning and accomplishing, however this can have an effect on a student and may appear to be positive or negative. Despite the fact that feedback reveals some influential aspects, different types of feedback can be more or less effective depending on how they are presented. (Moynihan, 2022).

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